Non-molded industrial rubber products (IRP) from the manufacturer

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Для того, щоб зробити замовлення, отримати консультацію або дізнатися вартість виготовлення гумотехнічних, силіконових або поліуретанових виробів, залиште контактну інформацію, і менеджер компанії УКРПРОМСЕРВІС звяжеться з Вами для уточнення деталей. ВАЖЛИВО! Мінімальне замовлення гумового профілю (шнура) від 30 кг, силіконових виробів від 10 кг.

The Research and Production Association Ukrpromservice LLC (RPA Ukrpromservice LLC, or Ukrpromservice) is a manufacturer of high-quality non-molded rubber products. Our Dnipro-based production facilities are equipped whether to purchase any quantity of catalogued non-molded rubber products or order the manufacture of a customer-tailored product. Our high-performance products are in demand in a variety of industries.

At Ukrpromservice, we are proud to offer a wide range of non-molded rubber products from a trusted Ukrainian manufacturer.

Our products are in high demand by the Ukrainian industry, and we are committed to meeting your needs through mass production. We collaborate with numerous enterprises, ensuring seamless delivery of our non-molded rubber products..

These products are utilized by companies in the automotive, railcar, and aircraft industries. Small companies engaged in construction and repair, serving the population in various household areas, can also purchase non-molded rubber goods.

Non-molded rubber products from the Ukrainian manufacturer Ukrpromservice are grouped as follows:

  • Cords;
  • Profiles;
  • Rubber sealing strips;
  • Conveyor belts.

Depending on the application, non-molded rubber goods with different characteristics can be ordered. These goods can have different shapes and be made of materials of different densities. Factoring in the operating environment, they can be resistant to temperature extremes, aggressive media, and intense mechanical stress.

Ukrpromservice is a trusted manufacturer of non-standard rubber products, with a focus on meeting the highest quality standards.

Our company’s commitment to excellence ensures that every product is thoroughly inspected at each stage of production. This meticulous process, which includes raw material inspection and stress tests in specialized laboratories, ensures that only products meeting the highest quality standards are delivered to our customers.

Our website includes a cost calculator that enables to preliminarily estimate the price of non-molded rubber goods in Dnipro and the cost of your order. For a more precise calculation, please contact our manager and provide all the necessary information. By assigning a dedicated expert to each client, we can enhance the efficiency and convenience of our collaboration.